Tuesday 30 October 2012

PRODUCTION- Evaluation Day 1

PRODUCTION- Evaluation Day 1 
Overall looking at day one of filming i think there were many faults on the day however the footage we wanted to complete were done. When going to the skate park we realised when we got there that the lightening was a major problem as it was to dark meaning that we were unable to film inside the area and had to stand outside where the viewers watched, however saying this we were able to get good shots from the angle we were filming from.
When filming we made sure we took enough clips so that when we come to the process of editing we were able to pick the clips which we wanted to use. On this day of filming we forgot the skate board that our main artist had to use so we therefore had to come back the following day to re film some scenes as well as the card scene due to the fact people were not available to film. 
We also made sure we had took a variety of still images that we were able to reflect upon as well as some recordings to show us meeting our main artist as well as traveling to the current locations. As we got the skateboarder from the skate park we asked them if they wanted to be filmed explaining the purpose that it was for our A2 media coursework. Most of them said they didn't mind being filmed explaining to them clearly that this was only for educational use. When using these performers in the end we asked them to do an interview explaining to them clearly what our main music video was about. We thought recording them on the flip was a good way to see their views on our music video considering they were all boys they had contrasting views. Doing this also reflected our target audience as it is aimed at young teenagers. Our performers again wore casual clothing  such as trousers and also shirts to clearly illustrate what are target audience wear on a day to day basis. As shown below here are some shots we took of our potential performers who volunteered to take part in our music video as well as our main artist doing a base track.
I feel that our target audience if they were to see our clips of footage will feel that it was encouraging and also entertaining as the tricks that were done were spectacular which many people are influenced by. Overall the weather when filming at south bank on the first day wasn't great as we forgot most equipment and there was also no space on the camera. However we filmed a lot of footage including base tracks.

Production- Day 3

We went back to southbank because we didn't get all the shots we needed from the first day of filming. This time we got shots of people on skateboards and bikes because we only got shots of guys on scooters last time. The filming went well, i was able to get different shot styles and i held the camera rather than using a tripod. However, some shots came out dark so we won't use them, other than these bad lighting shots i think it went well.

Monday 29 October 2012

Production: Day 2 filming

Today we went down to Granary Square in Kings Cross to film. These shots will be used mainly during the second part of our song. It was very cold but we were lucky that it didn't rain whilst we were filming. The shots we wanted to shoot required the water fountains to go high however because one of the fountain were having work done to them, they weren't working properly so we wasn't able to shoot all the scenes we wanted to. Therefore, instead of wasting the day we decided to film a base track of our performer doing a base track on the bridge.

Sunday 28 October 2012

PRODUCTION- Day 1 filming

PRODUCTION- Day 1 filming
On the first day we filmed at Southbank, this location was for the skateboarder scene where we wanted to film certain people doing tricks on skateboards, bikes and also scooters. The weather when filming on the first day was no good as it was raining, we choose south bank as it was a closed place meaning that if it did rain in which this case it did we were protected from getting wet. There were many people at the skate park when wanting to film and we asked if would of been ok to film them as we thought they were really good most of them said yes. Most skaters showed interest in what we were doing and had also had experience with the camera (shooting skate videos) they gave us useful tips of how to film them when they were doing certain tricks for us. Most of the advice given was to film from an angle so we go the effect when they did a trick. We filmed the skaters from different angles in the skate park mostly from outside to get the action taken place, we also had to film where the right reflected most as the skatepark was dark due to it being under a shelter. 

In south bank we also decided to use the graffiti walls to film a base track for our music video. We didn't intend to film the base track in south bank but we identified some graffiti walls that we thought would look good behind a base track. We filmed various footage of both skaters and some base tracks we thought it would be a good idea to film the base track just incase we wanted to use it somewhere in our music video although in the end we did feel the graffiti wasn't as effective as we wanted it to be.

When filming our footage we made sure we took plenty of stills as well as recordings of us making our way to the location and also interviewing our skaters.

PRODUCTION- Traveling to our locations

PRODUCTION- Traveling to our locations
Before we started filming we decided to research our location spending a weekend visiting the places we wanted to film. This was an idea we thought would be good so we had an idea of where it was as well as how to get there so when we start filming we will know where it is. When we went to our locations we filmed footage of us meeting our artist in many locations and us also on the train finding our way there.
We took many recordings of us meeting the artist as well as on the train and busses to our locations. It was also a good way to reflect upon our progress bit by bit.

PRODUCTION photos of whats happening

PRODUCTION photos of whats happening
Today we filmed outside at south bank where took photos of the graffiti background where our main artist did a base track. We also took videos of the performers who were on skateboards, bikes and also scooters. We interviewed each one and asked them what they thought of our video which they overall thought was good and the ideas we had suited the theme very well below are some videos and images we took when filming at our location.
As shown both above and below are images i have collecting of what was going on so far, here we see the interview which took place from the people who were skating for us as well as us performing with our main artist in action.

Overall i feel that the audience will feel engaged with what we have done so far as we see the styles of what we have chosen links with there ideas and interests well

Production: Day 1 filming

Today we went to film our scenes at our Southbank location. These shots will be used at mainly the beginning of our music video. I feel i was able to get good shots of people who were there on scooters and could do really good tricks. However, i should have taken shots from more different angles and i should have held the camera so i could move it freely with the movement of the people doing the tricks.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Planning: Artist and promoting

Whilst i am surfing the internet and on my social network sites i noticed many ways that artists tend to promote themselves using the internet. A social website that i find many artists are using is twitter.The artist Angel was able to take over other companies twitter accounts and start tweeting. This allowed him to get his 'voice heard' through the internet to a wider audience  because more people would see these tweets.
He was also able to advertise his concerts and even gave away free tickets to a lucky fan. This would have had more fans tweeting him and trying to win those tickets plus as the news that he was giving away free tickets spread more and  more people were trying to get involved.

Friday 26 October 2012

Reflection on progress

We have finished been planning our music video and how it is going to be. I have been blogging my idea's and research that i conducted for creating a music video. So far i feel it is going ok, we have been doing a lot of group work which i like and our ideas as a group have come together well.

Thursday 25 October 2012


PLANNING- Outfits 
The outfits in which the main performer and the characters in the play will be wearing would be casual. We decided to dress all the artists as being casual as we see this is what appeals to our main audience as we see this is what most of them dress in. Clothing's will include vans, hoodies, trousers, leggings etc. The whole video will be based on causal clothing apart from the party scene where we see again it will be casual but more smart.
Below i have shown some outfits our performer will be wearing:

As shown opposite here are some casual clothing's our main performer will be wearing. We took long shots of our character at some of our locations which was granary square and also south bank where there are base tracks being used. 

As shown here is another shot we took of our main performer who is on a skate bored allowing us to see what he is able to do. Once again the outfits our performer is wearing at this scene is casual which is a plan white top with jeans and trainers with a snapback. This appeals to our target audience as this is what is in fashion.

Overall taking shots of our artist with his potential clothing on was very helpful so that when we start filming it would be easier and we wouldn't have to think about the clothing as much as we were prepared. 

Planning: Performers outfits

These are pictures that i have gathered of clothing items that our performer will be wearing. He will be wearing bottoms such as jeans or chino's. Tops he will wear would be jumpers, shirts with a jacket. footwear would be trainers from known popular brands that our audience will like such as Nike, Adidas or Vans. Accessories will also be important, this will include hats, sunglasses, jewellery and headphones. The style that Montell will be going for would be a casual but stylish urban look. Outfits will be important because  it is something the audience will be looking closely at. This could also help attract a wider audience such as males because they would be interested to see what celebrities are wearing and if it attracts them they may copy and be inspired from Montell.

Planning: Ideas

Some ideas that my group gathered was to end with a sunset. We will be filming our sunset at Alexandra palace with both the artist and female performer sitting on a bench watching it. We feel this ends our video in a sweet and beautiful but also fitting in with our music video story. Having a sunset also signifies a beautiful and wonderful image but is also very romantic will appeal to our target audience. Filming the sunset could take longer than an hour but the shot will be sped up once we edit it and only be a few seconds in the actual video.

PLANNING- Party scene permission

PLANNING- Party scene permission 

Our party scene would be based at platform as me and Hafiza have contributed at many events at this place we thought it would be a good place to film our scene as the space we need is available and also ideal for what we want. When we went to visit platform the idea was to email th main supervisor and explain to them what we wanted to do as this was a process which everyone had to do. Me and Hafiza also went on the weekend to visit the place where we were able to see the location and plan how many people will be able to come. Plat form is located in holloway and we also thought this was a close and easy location to film at as we also thought about us carrying all the equipment which is very heavy.
The lightening is also given to us but we will also provide ourselves with lights as we will try make it as professional as it could be.

As shown opposite here is one location in platform this is where people tend to sit at the cafe. We like the lightening used here and the space which is available making it more interesting to film as we see not many people hang around in this area.  
This as shown opposite is the place where as a group we chose to film our party scene location. As shown it is spacious and also has lights which you would expect to see at a party making it look more realistic. The space is what appealed to us as a group as when filming it we would make the party staged as when speaking to the teachers thats how good party scenes are made. I feel if we were to film here it will be a success as everyone who would be coming to the party scene will be aware of what will be going on.

Planning: Location - Southbank

Our southbank scene will be used to film the artist with his friends skateboarding and having fun. We are looking forward to do a lot of moving shots, when people are skateboarding, We are hoping to capture a lot of good shots of people doing tricks. Once we have our shots and can edit them we will be adding things like slow motion and rewinding the the footage so it plays backwards.

How to get there

From Archway tube station i can get the Northern line straight to Kenningtin which is where the skatepark is located at. I can also meet my other group members and performers at Angel station because it is also on the Northern line. From here our journey should take precisely 40 minutes.

PLANNING Animatic Evaluation

PLANNING Animatic Evaluation 
The animatic was very interesting to make it was a storyboard which involved moving characters to emphasise the action which took place. When looking at our completed animatic I thought that the story was overall random. When we took the parts of the amitotic which were considered as being random we re scheduled them into another order putting shots such as the skate park in the first verse of the muss video. The granary square according to this would come second and so on. The animatic was a great way in us being able to keep the order of our music video clear. The party scene however we would see being used in the end and in the middle. Also we planned to use the college roof scene for the base tracks which will be used continuously though out the video.

Overall the animatic was a fun and new process which i didn't know how it would work. Using toys to illiterate our mood board was fun and also made people who watched it understand the story better.

Planing: Pitch feedback

After performing our pitch to the class and teachers a few things that we need to look at more carefully is how our video will differ to the actual music video. I think it will differ in many way's, mainly how our music video has a story between the artist and the female performer we will be including. Secondly, we show the artist in more locations hanging out with his friends which will help show Montell's personality to the audience.

The other thing we had to look at was our locations. Originally we did have many locations including Shoreditch, Brick Lane, Dalston, Alexandra palace, South bank, Granary square and Platform. This is quite a lot of locations so we are now only filming at Granary square, Platform, South bank and Alexandra palace. We have also added a new location which will be filming on our college roof. This would be the base track for our music video.

Planning: Animatic evalutaion

From watching back our animatic i have realized that if we create the music video to match it completely, the video will look quite random. Therefore, by re-doing parts of the story board we have put the different scenes together. For example the skate park scene's which will be shot at South bank will be put in during the first verse of the music video. The Granary square scene will be put in the second verse of the song. This will help keep a set order in our music video. However, the party scene will be mainly used during the end of the song but we will use bits of it throughout the song. Also with the base track on the roof, this will be used through out the song.


Once we had filmed on the green screen we then put all the footage onto final cut where we were able to transfer the footage which we wanted together creating a movie of our day using the green screen. Using final cut was one way which helped us organise the footage which we had filmed. We were able to see clearly the way which we used the green screen and how we could improve it next time when we use it. Our artist wasn't available when we were green screening but we used a potential character who will take part in the video allowing her to feel confident in front of the camera. On final cut we used both the 'I' (in) and 'o' (out) button this enabled us to cut out the scenes/ parts which we spoke in and also didn't do nothing making the scene shorter to watch. Below is a video which we had filmed as a group using the green screen.
When filming the green screen we didn't just use one song which was our main song we used a couple. This was because we wanted to get the different types of shots when listening to other music genres. We also played the songs where we got most of our ideas from such as Dappy 'ying yang' and also other songs related to the artist which we are doing.
Below i have illustrated some print scenes when using and putting the clips together on Final Cut Pro

As shown above the time line was one way where we were able to see the order in which we went in when putting the clips together being able to reduce the duration of them as well as muting some sound when listening it back.

Planning: Practicing using the green screen

In today's lesson we got to practice using the green screen.
Using the green screen in our lesson this ween enabled us to see waht we had to do in order to film there as none of us have used one before. We also realised that because these shots will be mainly focused ont he artist we will have to make sure he perfoms the song really well.
I put myself forward and pretended to be the artist. Whilst testing out the lights and different switches we thought it would be good to have it nice and bright when we want to shoot the artist and other performers. One of the things we realized that made it quite difficult was to try and film without getting the performers shadows in the shots. This can be quite difficult for us because we wanted to get a long shot of the different performers. Whilst testing the lighting we thought an affect that looked good was having the lights go off and on. We may use this for our music video when the beat gets faster however if it doesn't look good we will take it out.

Research: Similar Artists

i have collected images of similar artists and presented them as a slide show using camatasia. A we can see the style is quite similar, the artists wear hate and black sunglasses (ray Bans) quite often. All the artists also have tattoo's which seems to be popular and our audience seem to enjoy/like them. The styles are a casual cool look. This would be bottoms like chino's or jeans, t-shitrs or jumpers, hoodies and baseball jackets. With accessories including hats and sunglasses.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Research: Beautiful things

These are images that i have collected after asking my target audience about what things they find beautiful. Many people said places/locations such as beaches, places where there are water. Others said clothing items like dresses. People said things with meanins behind them like tattoo's. Other beautiful things suggested were celebrities and facial features such as eye's. Some people also mentioned food, mainly deserts like cakes.
It was interesting o see what my core audience considered beautiful and got me thinking about key things i need to focus on for my music video like locations and outfits.



When presenting the pitch to the class we found out that overall from many thought the story was clear and interesting. However we found out from many people that we had too many locations and that we should narrow our choices down as we only have a week to film the footage. As a group we discussed this and thought we would take out shoreditch as our location and replace it with a nearer destination. Doing this meant that the locations in which we will be filming at will be close together and won't need to travel too far. 

When presenting the pitch to the audience we also found out that we may need to reschedule the days which we were to film certain locations such as kings cross. The viewers thought it would be a good idea for us to film this location whenever possible as the weather could be changing and if it was to rain could effect the scene which we are planning to film. As a group we then decided to put this location into the gaps we had on each day in order for us to be on the safe side.

Another main idea the audience put forward when reviewing our pitch was not to involve to many ideas as this could confuse people who watch the video later on. We were told to focus the video on one aspect rather than to many , making it complicated and hard to understand 

The responses we got overall from the pitch were very useful as it aloud us to think of the constructive criticisms made and take them on board and think of them as a group. With the responses we then changed our location and rescheduled our days of filming.

PLANNING SouthBank New Location

PLANNING SouthBank New Location
South bank was a new location we decided to use this was mainly because we thought it will be more suitable due to the weather conditions. SouthBank is the location we will use to film the skateboarders who will be participating in the video. This was an ideal place to film as it is under shelter meaning that if it was to rain we won't get wet. Our main location for this was shorditch but we realised as a group it was too far and we were better off in south bank as it was in a closed place. Shorditch was also open meaning that depending on the weather would effect us filming in the location.
As shown above here is where the skate park is located in south bank. In this area there tends to be a load of skaters who hang around and we also thought it would be a good idea to ask the people to participate when filming, Looking at the location above it is shown to be spacious and under shelter ideal for when we are filming. We were also looking for graffiti background which is also located in this area.

Planning: Weather report/Production Schedule

By looking at this weekends weather report from the BBC website it tells us that saturday will be the sunniest day. Therefore, we are looking to film our kings cross and Alexader palace scenes on this day because we need the sky to be clear so we can get a nice shot of the sunset. On sunday we are looking to film at Southbank, the weather report shows that it will be cloudy and might rain in the evening. If it does rain earlier it wouldnt be a huge problem for us because the skatepark is under shelter.

Tuesday 23 October 2012


I wanted to see what people thought good costumes and props should be used when doing this video. When handing out the questionnaire to the target audience which was mostly females most of the responses that were given were the same as they thought that the clothing should be kept casual and not to complicated, they thought that the party scene the artist should again dress formal and the girl should be dressed in a dress. Most said that keeping it formal will reinforce the video of people being young and enjoying life

Questionnaire analysis;

PLANNING- Feedback from test shots

PLANNING- Feedback from test shots 
On this page i have clearly illustrated images we took when using the green screen. When we were filming I asked another group to come in and to see what they thought on our filming when using the green screen. The feedback we got from the group and the other viewers when showing them the recording was that the lightening should be bright on the artists face when we do it for our filming. Most also said when we are filming near the green screen to make sure we do not get the shadow of the performer in the background as this tends to not be a realistic look people tend to have. Keeping the camera straight and the performer positioned in the middle was also important and was feedback which needed to be taken on board as this was what made our shots un steady. Most however thought that when we were filming we got a variety of shots which matched the song when it was being played.
When filming in the green screen room the most vital part which we would be using would be the lightening as shown below. The lightening was one important aspect which i seemed to enjoy when the song played i was in charge of the lightening making sure that when there was a base track the lightening suited it. The lightening in the room was adjustable allowing us to be able to dim the backward lights and maximise the forward lights so that the main performer was in focus.

Overall the feedback from our test shots was very important and helped us well making us be aware of our mistakes we made and be able to reflect upon. The feedback which we got was not bad but was also good allowing us to take on board the negative and improve it.



Planning test shots is important as this helped us  get used to the camera as well as the artist being comfortable. We had taken many test shots of the potential performer as well as some potential locations we are planning to film. This task was useful as we were able to get used to the camera and familiarise ourselves with it once again both with and without the tripod. when filming our music video we plan not to  use the tripod as in most videos we see that it is not used and when it has been used the quality of filming is not so good. When planning our test shots we went to the skate park where we would be filming and the charecter was doing potential skills which he will be doing when we film. Doing this helped our artist feel comfortable in front of the camera as well as being able to practice his skills which he will be doing in the music video.

Here as shown above we have a long shot of our artist. The long shots we have taken as it clearly illustrates the style of our artist. We clearly see by looking at the artist the kind of style we are planning to get is formal where the artist would wear what young people wear today whic would include trainers, hoodies, jumpers, jackets etc. Taking test shots allowed the performer again be comfortable in front of the camera and get used to the idea of being filmed.
Overall this was useful as we were able to visit our locations as well as having the chance to take shots of our potential performer and have an idea of the types of clothing as well as the shots we would use.


The music video gave us a lot of inspiration when listening to it and playing it back numerous amounts of times. At the end of the video we thought a sun set would be a great idea to end it this would involve us to stay till the sun set comes where we will then be able to reverse it from when it sets to when it rises. The main idea/ inspiration we got as a group came from the lyrics where the artist finally finds someone who is 'beautiful' and we thought the representation of the sunset will go well with this theme. As a group we are determined to take this footage although we did take into consideration how hard this could be and us having to have extra footage. We planned this carefully as we made sure we knew when the time the sun set comes and goes which will mean the characters will have to stay in the same position for the same time.

As shown above i have illustrated the sun set inspiration we got from daylight till the sun sets. The view to me is very nice as i like the kind of mood in which it create and i think this would be the best way to end the video as it overall sums up the story.
Picaso is one way i used to present the sun set. As shown above we see the kind of effect we want to go for from day light to the sunset where we are then focused on the performers.



When gathering the feedback from the audience i found the ideas interesting. I asked both my brother and sisters feedback on  their thoughts on the story board and clearly showing them the potential shot in which we are planning to use. I thought by getting the views from both different genres will allow me to see the different ideas they though. 
Some points in which they suggested are illustrated below
  • Make the shots quick
  • Dont do too many locations
  • Make sure the continuity of the edits match the beat.
  • Make sure a variety of costumes are used 
  • When filming make sure the lighting is clearly on the artist so the audience know who the main focus is.
  • Dont place the camera on a tripod 
All these comments which i have been given would be taken on board when filming as this is what will make a successful music video. Taking these comments on board will also allow be easy for us to see what the viewers would think 

Once again we see from our research on the audience boys tend to find the song 'gay' and not interesting but however thought the shots used were good/interesting.

PLANNING- Using the green screen

PLANNING- Using the green screen
Today we used the green screen in preparation for our music video. We thought using the green screen would prepare us as none of our group members have used this before. We planned to use the green screen with the main artist in front of it using potential images that would be used in the video 
We had used the green screen for approximately 3 hours within this time as a group we practiced many shots. Using the green scene we placed the performers in front of it allowing them to become confident in front of the camera and have a taste of what it will be like with the music playing and them performing. When performing in front of the green screen we used the JVC camera tripod and also the lights inside the room. The lights were the main prop in the room where we were able to adjust them to the standards which we wanted. In the party scene we made the lights flashing where it went with the beat of the song.

Overall the task using the green screen for a few hours was useful this was because as a group we were able to see how it works for the first time allowing us all to be familiar with how it works so that when we plan to use it, it would be straight forward and not to complicated.

PLANNING- Representation of Beautiful/ Wonderful illustrations

Representation of Beautiful/ Wonderful illustrations
I have gathered a wide range of 'beautiful/wonderful' images in which could be used in our music video. In the original video we see the main artist uses images such as tattoos and also doves in order to set a clear connotations to the words. I liked the idea of using images to represent the word when the artist says it so i decided to collect images of what else could be seen as beautiful. Flowers, and also abstract drawings could be one way in which the words could be represented, we thought it is un usual and could work well with the video itself 
Stones flowers and also abstract drawings all give the connotation of something beautiful, the colours which they all give off tend to be bright and colourful representing the words wonderful and beautiful well. In the original video we see a dove is used to give the connotation of a peaceful glorious and beautiful atmosphere. To change this we could also use a flower which represents beauty in which this case would be of a girl. The flower could be edited where by we show the process of it growing to its full flower. This could represent the main artist love growing whilst he is searching for the girl he likes which in the end he finds and the flower is complete.

The overall planning in getting images which represent beautiful/ wonderful objects was very useful as this aloud me to show the group the types of images i gathered and the ideas which we can generate from them.
Below i have also created a mood board of beautiful aspects which young people often buy/use.

PLANNING- Filming Schedual Back up Plan

Filming Schedual Back up Plan
When planning for our locations we had to make sure that we had a back up plan just incase it was to rain. This was important as scenes such as kings cross requires us to use water where the charecters who are acting require in getting wet, if it rains we see this would effect our plans as the water will not be running at this time, so we will therefore not be able to film.
Due to the weather we currently have, we had to make sure that when organising for the skate park it was under shelter which we found in southbank. This location was ideal to pick so that if it was to rain we would be protected from getting wet.
Looking at the weather forcast often will enable us to keep up to date with what is going on which will allow us to think of the locations we will be filming at and when.

Having a back up plan is vital just incase the weather decides to let us down but will have an alternative
Again below i have added a recent update on the weather this is important as the weather continuously changes.

Saturday 20 October 2012

Research: Music vid i found interesting

I was listening to music on YouTube and i came across Dappy's new single including the music video.
The camera movement and framework is very interesting. The camera moves with the music, (0.50) when the beats get faster the camera moves faster and when the music slows down the camera moves slower and more gentle (2:00-2:05). During my AS year when we were making our thrillers we used a tri pod for all of our shots however for our music video i feel i will have to learn to film in a good way by holding the camera. This would give a better effect n our music video and allow the camera to move with the beat and lyrics in the music video.

Friday 19 October 2012

PLANNING Audience (Artist promoting)

Planning Audience (Artist promoting)
Around this page i have clearly print screened the artists website, one way we see that the artist promotes his music. I have liked his page on Facebook and here we see the interests and daily toures in which he does. On his page we see various fans who like his page. The page also clearly illustrates his fans being able to contact him though mail and also instegrame which many young people now use.
As shown above these are some posts which have been updated on the artist website. On the left hand side we see the artist having an interview and the responses in which he gave most of which the audience liked to hear and wanted to know. The artists image is represented big on the page to show the key USP of it.

PLANNING -Similar artists

Similar artists 
On this page i have gathered various screen grabs and then presented them on ICT software. Collecting different types of artists helped me decide the style and type of music video we wanted to make as a group. The style is shown to be important as it needs to attract the main viewers when listening to the song. Gathering images of potential artists that are similar to the artist helped me generate a brand image as well as the style of the character

Angel is usually dressed casually through this slide share i have illustrated some styles that artists tend to represent. In most of his music videos he dresses casually trying not to focus the audiences attention on him but on the song and the props which are being advertised. In most of his videos however we do see him representing named brands such as in the video 'How can i loose' we see he promotes accessories such as beats headphones by Dr Dre. This we see the target audience will like and then are more likely to go out and purchase the goods. The artist also dressing casually also represents him as a person giving the audience an idea of his personality, and the audience being able to appreciate him being who he is as an artist.

Wiz khalifa is also similar to our artist.The singers style is also very casual/ unique again telling us a lot about his personality which the audience tend to like.Wiz khalifa video as well as chris browns video style represent what is used in their videos as we see parties, people hanging out usually used to portray their lifestyle and their interests.


Looking at the artists we see they seem to dress the same and stick with the casual look, which is what the audience like to see. All the similar artists i have shown have the same in common such as they all like to wear hats , jeans and jackets.



Gathering costumes was important. When doing our music video we will be using branded clothing to interest the audience more. Our artist would be wearing vans as many young people wear them. The artist will also be going for the casual look wearing a hat and also tracksuits or jeans.

When also filming the girl scene she would also be wearing casual clothing such as vans , jeans leggings etc. However when we are at the party scene the girl will be wearing more formal clothing such as a dress and maybe some jewellery as this is what most teenagers wear on a day to day basis .

PLANNING- Production/ weather report

Planning- Production/ weather report
Our locations where we film will change depending on the weather. We plan to start filming on the 27th october. Looking at the weather it seems ok but depending on the weather we will not know what scenes we would be filming. The kings cross scene is one scene we are unsure when we will be able to film as during this scene we cannot have it raining.

On the 28th of october we plan to film the skate park scene although it may be raining the skatepark scene would be under shelter so we would be protected from the rain. During the skate park scene we would be filming young people having fun whilst skate boarding with friends. 

Depending on the weather we would film kings cross on the most warmest day taking into consideration that there would be a water fight and we don't want it to be that cold.

On the 29th we would film Alexandra palace scene at around 4.30 as we will need to get there before the sun sets as we want to film the sun coming down as we think it would be very effective.

On the 30th october we will film the party scene and on the 31st we will film any parts which are missing. 

Filming during the 5 days looks ok but again before we start filming we will need to check the weather just in case it changes.

Audience Task

The target audience for our music video would be females aged 15-21. The reason for this is that we feel females could relate to our song and video more and connect in a similar way to the female character o=in our music video. Also our music artist is attractive and would attract female attention in that way. The lyrics say 'When you finally find what beautiful, it's so wonderful'. In our music video we are looking to include a few beautiful/wonder things of which one is the girl. We feel that females would like and enjoy this more than males.

An example of someone who would be a core target audience:

  • Deborah lives in a flat in London with her siblings and mother.
  • She is 17 years old
  • she is a female 
  • Her ethnicity is African
  • She is a student at college
  • in her spare time she likes to sing and perform at events/shows. Also going our with friends and shopping.
  • She uses public transport, mostly buses.
  • the gadgets she uses are Blackberry and iPod
  • Brands that would attract her are Nike, Vans, Hunters.
  • Her favourite drink is Ginger beer.
  • Her choice of a holiday would be Portugal or Ibiza 
  • She enjoys the genre R&B/Hip Hop because there is always a good beat, catchy and something she can sing too. 

From the psychographic profile our core audience will fit in to the mainstreamers profile.  They would be people who like and enjoy brands. Have similar interests with their friends. Like to feel safe and think ahead, planing their future. They tend to just go with the flow.

Our wider audience - This would be males and everyone else. Or music video will attract them because it will involve both genders. It also signifies many teenagers going out and having fun with their friends. We also involve skateboarding and a party scene which i feel will attract a more male audience. Our genre is also attractive to a male audience.

Planning - Performers outfits

The outfits we want our performer to wear has to appeal to our target audience which is female teenagers and young female adults.
We wanted to keep the artist look quite casual but still appealing. This includes Van's, jumper's, jeans and jackets/hoodies. Not only will this appealing to our female core audience but our wider audience which involves males may be interested because they may like what our performer wears and decide to dress like him. Plus, they will know that girls are interested in this kind of look so mat also want to copy to impress females.

Target Audience

the target audience for this music video - Wonderful - Angel would ideally be females - Teenage Females because our artist is a male - attractive who is young and down to earth so he can interact with he's fan's.

The age range is from 14/15 - 22/23 so even young adults (females) would be attracted to our Artist.
The reason why i have picked the age 14 is because younger generations often listen to these types of music and enjoy it a lot because its upbeat and somehow they think they can relate to it.
the reason why i have picked 23 to be the latest age is because you are still young, still maturing but will be into these types of music. - People over the age of 23 can listen to this but maybe quite busy to relate to the message in the song.

Our wider audience would be 24+, and the boys would be wider audience because not a lot of boys will like the Artists because i personally think its a boys thing of not liking another boy calling him 'gay' and what not. However, there could be a neiche audience from the boys category that may like our music and there can be boys who could relate to our Artists because (as said before) our artist is down to earth, interacts with the audience and fans. But also the bands and things he wears could make boys relate to him, e.g vans, designer clothing, hollister tops. Our Artist isnt all materialistic so he can portray a typical London young Adult, shopping in Newlook, H&M , - Affordable clothing form Primark ect.

Our target audience may also like and relate to he's favourite food, what he might eat, hes favourite restaurants


During the lesson we were given time to prepare for our pitch, the pitch allowed us to get together all of the information and present it to the class as well as 4 other teachers. The pitch was important as we included the locations, artists and props which we will be using when filming our music video. The pitch gave us the time to reflect upon what we were going to in preparation for filming. When researching as well as planning there were 2 main aspects we had to consider as shown:
Location: There were many locations where some members of the group went to visit this was vital as we needed to know where they were and weather they were suitable and ideal for when we film
When visiting our location such as brick lane (graffiti) we found out that the image we wanted was painted so we therefore had to pick another location as this was no longer useful to us.
Props: We also went out and researched the props we needed such as glowing sticks, cloths etc

Here are some images we gathered on our day out (weekend)
Above we took images of clothes our artist would most probably wear, casual clothing such as trousers, checked shirt, trainers etc. We also took pictures of what the female would wear during the party scene which would include a party dress as well as high heels. (our female audience would also like these clothes) We went into shops such as Topshop, H&M, Newlook, Topshop and also JD

Here are some images we gathered in Granary Square both the water fountain and the bridge scene where we are planning to play cards with a group of people. We thought this would be a good idea as it is spacious and also clean.

Here we have put up our pitch we presented to the class 

PLANNING- Test shots of Performer

Test shots of Performer
As shown around the page here are some shots of our potential performer 'montelle'. We have gathered many images to show in many ways how he will differ from the original artist. As shown the performer will wear casual clothing such as jeans, trainers, hat and a jacket. 
When collecting images of our potential artist it was useful as we were able to use the research we gathered from the similar artist, this was easy as the styles of our performer were very similar relating to our target audience clearly.